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Université de Bordeaux
LabEx LAPHIACluster of Excellence
Cluster of excellence

2 Exceptional Seminars: Pr. Jacob Khurgin, 9 July 2018, IOA

14 h-15h : Excited electrons in metal: from frigid to tepid to scalding hot; 15h30-16h30: Epsilon Near Zero Materials – Photonics on Steroids?
le Monday 09 July 2018 from 14h to 16h30
2 Exceptional Seminars: Pr. Jacob Khurgin, 9 July 2018, IOA

Pr. Jacob Khurgin

Johns Hopkins University, Whiting School of Engineering
Monday 9th Jul. 2018,

Institut d’Optique d’Aquitaine, Amphithéâtre

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Organisés par le LP2N et le LAPHIA, le Professor Khurgin donnera deux séminaires consécutifs séparés par une pause café.

Seminar#1 :

14 h-15h : Excited electrons in metal: from frigid to tepid to scalding hot.

The field of plasmonics in recent years has experienced a certain shift in priorities. Faced with undisputable fact that loss in metal structures cannot be avoided, or even mitigated (at least not in the optical and near IR range) the community has turned the attention where the loss may not be an obstacle, and, in fact, can be put into productive use. Such applications include photo-detection, photo-catalysis,  and others where the energy of plasmons is expended on generation of hot carriers in the metal. Hot carriers are characterized by short lifetimes, hence it is important to understand thoroughly their generation, transport, and relaxation in  order to ascertain viability of the many proposed schemes involving them.


15h-15h30 : Pause Café



15h30-16h30:  Epsilon Near Zero Materials – Photonics on Steroids?

We examine the characteristics of optical materials with near zero real part of permittivity (ENZ), and compare them with other materials relying on resonance where Re(ε)»0 (e.g. plasmonics) or Re(1/ε)»0 (e.g. slow light, microresonators, e.t.c.). Despite being seemingly very diverse phenomena all of the resonant effects share a key common characteristics – slow group velocity. Consequently, whether one operates near a zero or a pole in optical response, one is bound to gain the same very useful enhancement of some properties such as nonlinearity, and, regrettably, the commensurate increase of loss and reduction in bandwidth.  As a result, ENZ materials offer very little when it comes to modulation and switching that cannot be attained in the more mundane materials.

Professor Jacob Khurgin is a theorist, but through his 30+ years career he has been working with many experimental groups in diverse areas of electronics, optics, condensed matter physics and telecommunications. Currently, his interests include mid-infrared technology – lasers and detectors, wide bandgap semiconductor devices, laser refrigeration of solids, plasmonics, photo catalysis, band-width efficient optical communications, and others. Professor Khurgin graduated from NYU in 1986, worked in industry, and joined JHU in 1988. He has authored 300 journal publications, 1 book, holds 30 patents and is a Fellow of American Physical Society and Optical Society of America.

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