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Université de Bordeaux
LabEx LAPHIACluster of Excellence
Cluster of excellence

LAPHIA Master Internship Position : IMS Laboratory & PSA, summer 2018LabEx LAPHIA 129 Kilo octetsdu vendredi 20 avril 2018 au dimanche 01 juillet 2018

Performances and robustness characterization of medium and high-brightness white LED arrays in overcurrent and few tens of nanosecond pulsed regime for automotive applications

vendredi 20 avril 2018 par DA ROCHA Daniel.
LAPHIA Post-Doc Position : Femtosecond laser induced Waveguide Bragg Gratings in the VISible range (WBG-VIS)LabEx LAPHIA 142 Kilo octetsdu mercredi 18 avril 2018 au lundi 25 juin 2018

Duration : 12 months Job statuts : Junior post-doctoral position (less than 3 years after PhD) DATE start : September, 1st 2018 Salary : Net salary around 2300 € /month, for 1 year (depending on experience) LOCATION : CELIA laboratory (UMR5107), group « Short Lasers, Applications & Materials » PhD /Post doc : Femtosecond laser induced W aveguide B ragg G ratings in the VIS ible range...

mercredi 18 avril 2018 par DA ROCHA Daniel.
Conference : Bruce Allen "The direct observation of gravitational waves", 16 may 2018, 10:30 - IOALabEx LAPHIAInternational Day of Light eventle mercredi 16 mai 2018 de 11h à 12h30

For the first International Day of Light , the LAPHIA and the LP2N are pleased to welcome, Dr. Bruce Allen, Director of the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) For the first time, starting more than two years ago, the advanced LIGO and Virgo instruments have directly observed gravitational waves. The first signals seen were from the mergers of pairs of massive black holes, and more recently we have also observed the inspiral and merger of two neutron stars. I will talk about the history and current status of this field, the basic physics of our observations, and some of our hopes and expectations for the future. The conference will take place at the Institut d'Optique d'Aquitaine (IOA), 11:00 // A welcome coffee will be served at 10:30. Registration is required to access to the conference (please fill the form below). Institut d'Optique d'Aquitaine Rue François Mitterrand, 33400 Talence Tram : Arts & Métiers

Projetvendredi 06 avril 2018 par DA ROCHA Daniel.
LANCEMENT DE L'APPEL À PROJETS LAPHIA 2018 #2LabEx LAPHIAdu mercredi 04 avril 2018 au mardi 31 juillet 2018

Le LAPHIA lance son Appel à Projets 2018 #2 (AAP2018) concernant les projets de recherche et de valorisation. Retrouvez toutes les informations en lignes : Attention : Date limite de dépôt des dossiers, vendredi 4 mai 2018 (midi) Trois types de financements sont proposés : Risky Project (RP) 
 Passport Project (PP) 
 Research Mobility Project (RM)...

mardi 03 avril 2018 par DA ROCHA Daniel.
AAP Formation - PhD extension grantLabEx LAPHIAle jeudi 08 mars 2018

Le Cluster d'Excellence LAPHIA a mis en place une bourse d'extension doctorale pour les étudiants en fin de thèse en cotutelle (financement de 6 mois supplémentaires).

jeudi 08 mars 2018 par DA ROCHA Daniel.
CRPP/LP2N/LAPHIA Seminar : Pr. Jaemin Lim, Tuesday 20th Feb., 14:00, IOALabEx LAPHIA

Séminaire organisé par le CRPP et le LP2N, avec le soutien du LAPHIA. Pr. Jaemin Lim, Controlled Quantum Dynamics group, Ulm University « Vibronic coherence in artificial light-harvesters and organic solar cells » Tuesday 20th Feb. 2018, 14:00 – 15:00 (welcome coffee at 13:45) Institut d’Optique d’Aquitaine, Amphithéâtre Recent advances in nonlinear spectroscopy have revealed the presence of...

mardi 27 février 2018 par DA ROCHA Daniel.